Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Singing Songs

Raymond has been learning some Halloween songs at preschool and has been singing them to me today :) It's so nice to have him sing as he's usually not a singer.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My mom stayed with us for the last week and a half. It was so wonderful to have some extra help, and it allowed me to have some time away from Greta which was good for her to get over some of her stranger anxiety. I was able to volunteer at both Maria and Raymond's schools without Greta along which was way more productive :)

Thanks so much Mom for all your help this past week. We love you!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Kieler Parade

We went home to Kieler this weekend for the annual Fire Prevention Parade. It is always so much fun at the small town parades. Since it was raining, Greta went to Oma and Opa's house. Maria rode on Grandpa's float with Grandma and Madeline. Ray got to sit with Mom and Dad and collect the candy (way too much candy!!!)
It was fun to see lots of relatives and friends this year.