Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ok, so its obviously been a LONG time since I've posted to my blog. But I have some new motivation to start again!

We are officially starting on the Feingold Diet!!

What is this crazy thing, you say? No, its not related to WI past senator, Russ.

It's a diet where we try to remove all artificial colors and flavorings from our food.

We've noticed the kids are acting very hyper lately. Ray's been getting bad reports home from school :( He's too fidgety, chewing on pencils, not listening, and doing other 'non-typical' things (that was said by his teacher as his last conference).

So we ordered online materials to help us understand what foods are good and what are bad. The first phase also eliminates natural salicylates (go look it up as I still don't know what it means!).

Anyway, we did a meal plan starting on Sunday. Are packing the kids lunches daily and are sticking to the 'allowed' foods list.

Today (Thursday), I get an email from Ray's teacher that she could see a big difference in his behavior today. He listened and sat nicely all day! What!?! Really?!? Already!?!

Could it be working.. or am I too hopeful too early.

We'll keep you posted..