Thursday, May 22, 2008

Picture class

Our pictures from our camera have not been coming out very good lately. They seem to be too blurry if we don't use the flash and too washed out when we do. Community Education offered a picture taking know-how class to go over all the features of your camera. Seemed an ideal time to take it since we've been getting frustrated with our pictures. I learned quite a bit of new info that should help.. now to just practice playing around with the settings.

Also, if anyone as pictures of Greta's baptism, I'd appreciate copies as we didn't have many of the actual ceremony that turned out.

1 comment:

Abra La Mente said...

I will try to get some pictures to you soon; I have lots, including several from the lovely little cousins who were having a heyday using the digital know the types of pictures...really closeup face shots, etc. I keep those pics for the memories of giggles and excitement evoked in the budding photographers!