Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

Why am I so nervous about the elections this year?

Sure, I really want Obama to win and don't want to go through the weeks of depression that seemed to occur in '04 when the country voted to keep Bush. But its not like I'm out there campaigning or volunteering, so I don't have much personally invested.

Or is it the anxiety of not being sure just how much time I need to plan to vote tomorrow. I will have Ray and Greta both with me when I go to vote, so I'm really hoping the lines aren't going to be as bad as they've been showing for the early voting in other states. I don't want to stand in line for an hour or more with such little ones. Maybe I'll bring a bag of books and snacks just in case.

Or maybe its knowing that I'll be glued to the computer and TV tomorrow waiting for any sign of Obama pulling ahead. It's going to be a late night!

P.S. Ray's preschool voted today. Their results had Obama winning. The teacher said that the class results have been pretty accurate over the last few elections. (I was surprised when we asked Ray about it that he was able to name both presidential candidates. Amazing how much they pick up).
Maria's school also voted last week and had Obama. But Lincoln appears to be a very liberal school. Hopefully the little ones are reflecting the opinions of their parents and we'll see the trend continue tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Would you call yourself an Obama Mama? Got to the polls 10 minutes before they opened...found about 75 people in line ahead of me. I still got outta there in 20 minutes. Smooth sailing.

tingting said...

I am an Obama Mama!!

Auburn Mom said...

I'm a "Hockey Mom for Obama!"

No line at my polling location (unless you needed to register, then there was a line).

I had a bag of snacks and a bag of books and toys since we went as a family this year, but we didn't have time to pull them out.