Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wednesday, oh Wednesday..

Get Maria up in time to eat breakfast and to catch her bus (which has been a challenge this week - breakfast has been eaten on the bus because we are running late).. Get Ray ready and fed breakfast.. Take Ray to preschool.. volunteer at Maria's school.. pick Ray up from preschool and take to Amy's (sneak in without Greta seeing me so she doesn't have a fit - which is hard on me to not be able to kiss and hug her quick).. Grab lunch and get into work

After work.. pick Maria up from Y-space after school program.. grab dinner.. get to religion class by 6:00.. work in the nursery during religion so other moms can teach.. go home.

Wait.. what about Maria's homework?? ugg

1 comment:

Auburn Mom said...

Thank you Melissa. Your story makes me feel like my 'busy' day yesterday was nothing! Helps me to put things in perspective. ;-)