Monday, May 19, 2008


Wow, just realizing that I haven't posted in awhile.
Here is a recap of our weekend...

Friday - Went to the school carnival at Rebekah's school. Maria's school is going to try a carnival next year as part of the annual auction. So, it was nice to check out this one to get an idea of what that may be like.
Saturday - Maria had a birthday party for a classmate. Greta and I dropped her off and went to some garage sales until it was time to pick her back up. Dave and Ray cut the grass and then did a few geocaches. We went geocaching in the evening as it was beautiful outside and stopped for an ice cream treat.
Sunday - We went to Essex Park for a picnic lunch and did more geocaching. Another beautiful day out!


Auburn Mom said...

You geocache? Cool! Have you found the cache AD planted yet? (cement mixer) Or you could keep your eye out for AD's travel bug...but it hasn't made it back to this side of the world since we dropped it in Scotland...

tingting said...

I knew AD cached (as Dave had talked with him about it some when we were thinking about getting started). But, I didn't know he planted one. We will have to check it out!

Abra La Mente said...

I may need to learn more about geocaching. I've heard people talk about it and sounds like a hobby I'd enjoy. There is an article in the St. Cloud Times entertainment & travel section this morning about geocaching at MN State Parks for the sesquicentennial year. Might be a fun way to learn more about Minnesota.

Here's a link: